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2.1 Teaching Methods of the Teacher that I Observed

       I conducted my class observation in Pak Agung’s class, the second grade B. His class is quite hard to manage and a little bit unruly that’s why he uses different methods and strategies just to get the full attention of the students. He facilitates the learning of the students but because they are very active and gets distracted easily, it turned out to be a teacher-centered class discussion and the students are just mere participants.


2.2 Their Learning Materials and Innovation

       When it comes to the learning materials that were used, the teacher uses the book Bahasa Inggris 2 that was provided by the school. However, he does not solely rely on the book because he also uses the information coming from the internet to provide the students a wide-ranged learning.


       In order to get the full attention of the students, the teacher also played several engaging videos that helped to stimulate the mindset of the students. Also, it became one of the strategies of the teacher to let the students learn the subject while enjoying and playing.


2.3 Sources of Learning and Technology used by the Teachers

       When it comes to the sources of learning and technology used by the teachers in the school, they have strong and reliable sources. Aside from the Bahasa Ingris book that he is using, the teacher also gathers information from other reference materials such as different books, magazines, newspapers and even on the internet.


2.4 Authentic Assessment Used by the Teachers

       In terms of assessing the progress of the students, the teacher used non-formal assessment first in order to know how far the students understood the topic, then after assessment, he used the result as a basis in formulating the kind of formal assessment that he must give to the students.

SD Masehi: This is How We Do

Pak Agung demonstrating and encouraging the students to                    participate in singing and dancing. 


Using videos to motivate the students in learning.

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